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Archive for February 8, 2017

Mini-Interlude 18 – Lincoln Chambers

And now he’s more deeply involved.

Heretical Edge and Summus Proelium

Previous Chapter

The following is a commissioned mini-interlude focusing on Felicity’s father, Lincoln. 

Tugging the door to the newspaper office open, Lincoln Chambers stepped inside while holding his cell phone to his ear. “She’s getting a good education out there, Dad. Better than she could get here.”

Arthur Chambers’ voice came back a moment later. “Well, you know. I just don’t like the idea of Felicity being so damn far away from you, Linc. You already–” He stopped himself before continuing, though Lincoln knew that he had been about to bring up Joselyn. “A girl should be near her dad, especially for the last couple years of school. She’s about to go away to college, son. You should keep her as close as you can. Cherish the time you’ve got.”

Even being thousands of miles away from his father, Lincoln could picture exactly where the man was and what he…

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