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Posts tagged “Osborn

Miles Morales: The Ultimate Spider-Man #6 Review

The big secret behind Peter Parker’s return is revealed in Miles Morales: The Ultimate Spider-Man #6! Read my recap and review of the cop-out of his epic death and more proof that the Ultimate Universe is coming to an end! But despite that I did like it!

The comic begins with JJJ having a moment of guilt over shooting Osborn before calling Ben Urich about it. Let’s face it, sometimes you have to put the monsters down and he could argue self-defense. Unfortunately for him, Osborn is apparently immortal now ad believes he’s responsible from creating new gods like Spider-Man. Then he kills JJJ.

Meanwhile Miles finally wants answers if Peter is real or not. MJ tries covering for him, but he wants answers from the man himself. Peter believes that he came back from the dead because he remembered his life and death, waking up in an abandoned lab in Atlanta and then making his way back to Queens, where he ran across MJ. They dug up his coffin and found it was empty, realizing that someone would have stolen his corpse for being a wonder of science.

Seeing how MJ broke down at seeing him again after years he decided he couldn’t show his face to the others since they had closure and Miles was out there. He only wanted the web-shooters since they were the only connection he had to his dad, who made the original formula. But Aunt May and Gwen state otherwise as they appear, stating that they could figure out he would be there because where else would he go?

Unfortunately Osborn thinks the same way and shows up for Round Two, stating they are his Spider-Men as Miles goes in alone. Osborn demands his respect as he gave birth to his powers, but Miles zaps him until he submits. As the comic ends, Osborn tells him that without him around he’ll never know where his powers came from and who his father really is.

Okay, review time.

Begrudgingly, I have to admit Peter has a good reason for not telling the others he was back. I mean, they had closure and were being left alone now that he was gone. Him being alive again would put targets on his family and friends back since everyone knows who he was. It’s fucked up in how much sense it makes.

But with Peter Parker and Osborn coming back, it’s safe to say that Marvel is crapping on their own rules when it comes to ‘Dead means Dead’ and are circling the drain in the grand scheme of things. Since Peter’s death was a turning point of epicness and meaningfulness, having both him and Osborn come back sets a bad precedence, especially if he ain’t a clone, and with the other Ultimate Titles being canceled it doesn’t bode well for them.

That being said, 5 out of 5.